5K wallpapers from bohemian switzerland

Do you love Bohemian Switzerland National Park? Do you like my photos? Please feel free to download 5K wallpapers for your computer, mobile and tablet. If you want to say "Thank You" - just share it!

What's included?

Download these wallpapers for free now!

Select your preferred versions. I've prepared optimized resolutions of the images for your 5K display, standard Mac or PC (Macbook Pro Retina optimized), tablet (iPad optimized) and your mobile phone (iPhone optimized).

Thank you for your interest in my photos! Please keep in mind that you can use all the photos for free for non-commercial use. If you want something more, please contact me.


previous Wallpaper collection

High resolution retina-ready (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, iMac 5K) wallpapers from Bohemian Switzerland and all over the world for your computer, phone or tablet. Feel free to download it and use. If you want to thank me, just share it!

ZIP archive is 65MB. Ready for iPhone (5, 6, 6+), iPad (mini, Air), all mac computers (some wallpapers are 5K, all retina for MBP).